Sunday, May 28, 2006

Basic Skills for Internet Auction Success (2of 3)

Registering at these internet auction sites is a relatively simple process. For the purpose of this article we will stick to ebay. Ebay is miles ahead of the competition. In a distant second yahoo, which is very far behind ebay in terms of website traffic and market research.

The registration process is self-explanatory. You must give your basic contact information (your name, address, number where you can be reached, email address, and of course your credit card or other payment method). You will only be charged for any sales transaction fees that you incur as a result of your listing and selling items. Each auction site will have a list of their fees (these fees are very small).

Each site has a list of rules. They may differ from site to site. You will have to get a working knowledge of these rules. Print the rules out and study them, this will save you from future headaches. Some sites will even offer online tutorials to help you become familiar with the rules and how to buy or sell on that particular auction site.

Auction sites operate a little differently when it comes to honesty and credibility. They use a feedback system (which simply means that after every transaction the seller and the buyer rate each other on the entire deal: Great, Good, Excellent, bad, etc...). This score determines how reputable the seller and buyer have been. You will need to focus on doing business with people who have high feedback scores (90% or higher). Just starting out and not having a feedback score will make doing business on ebay a little more difficult but not impossible.

Placing a bid is a really easy process. Before you start placing items up for auction, I recommend that you buy a few items first. You can buy 3 or 4 items for less than $50 and this will build up your feedback score.

Putting items up for auction is just a little bit more complicated. When you list items on ebay, you must talk about them in a way that let’s your enthusiasm for the item show through (you want the customer to be excited from your excitement).
1. Your Title- this is your headline, this should grab the readers attention.
2. Your Item description-you will have to balance boasting about your particular item and being completely accurate about the condition of your items (being honest about flaws will not keep your items from selling). If you have negatives; alternate them with positive statements. Make sure that you have more positive statements about your items than negative statements.

3. Here is a list of descriptive selling words you can include in your description. Beautiful, great, fun, dramatic, pretty, fantastic, high-end, vintage, wonderful, powerful, elaborate, quality, and gorgeous.

Your terms of service are your policies for doing business. This will include: shipping and handling, how soon you want receive payment and of course the different payment types you will accept. Please ponder these decisions carefully, this is the terms under which you will do business. Keep your terms as simple as you can, if they are too long and wordy you may drive customers away.

You are now a internet auction business owner. Set your goals and aim high.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Wonderful World Of Internet Auctions (Part 1 of 3)

The world of internet auctions is a very profitable world, but it can also mean a great change in lifestyle unlike any thing you could have imagined. Just a couple of years ago the technology did not exist to conduct massive internet auctions.

You will be pleasantly surprised at how quickly and easily you are able to learn this business and begin making some money. The internet auction world is extremely exciting and fun.

ebay, yahoo, Amazon, and a multiple of other auction sites have created an entrepreneurial revolution. Where else in the world can you start a business with little or no upfront starting costs, sell your products 24 hours a day/7 days a week/world wide. Recieve your payments almost instantly, and pay a nominal fee for the service.

Internet auctions is a way to put an extra $500 dollars a month or $10,000 a month. Some Powersellers have been recorded as having earned well over $100,000 a month.

*Online auction sales will grow to $54 billion or 25% of U.S. online retail sales in 2007
-Forrester Research

Auctions will allow you to gain or preserve two of our most precious assets time and freedom. Think about how much of your life is spent on the job, or in preparation for the job, or driving to and from your job. You will soon realize that your job is stealing away your time! Our other asset is freedom. Freedom is usually listed in the top 5 for reasons an entrepreneur starts a business. People long for the day that they can leave their job.

Most internet auction sites will let you set up an account with only your basic personal information and either your checking account/debit card, or credit card for billing. Usually there is no up-front costs, making internet auctions one of the cheapest business opportunities around.

Auction sites will allow you to sell products to customers in the U.S., Japan, Mexico, and several other countries. You will have a world wide business setup and ready to sell in less than 30 minutes. People visit these auction sites in amazing number; 24hours a day/7 days a week.

Now here is the most exciting part. When someone in Australia purchases one of your products, you will not have to wait for two or three weeks to get a check in the mail. You can recieve your payments in minutes. This is a testament to the power of the internet.

Internet auctions are great businesses to be involved with. There are plenty of opportunities for you to succeed in the world of internet auctions. Now go out and setup an account; and get started right now.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

The Power To Choose

In today's global, social, and economic climate, we are bombarded with thousands of options. How should we discipline our children? What religion is right for us? Are we going to work for someone else or become an entrepreneur? Many of our choices are made subconsciously with little thought and some of our choices come from hours of contemplation and reflection.

We have all made decisions that affect our lives. Ponder this for a moment, every choice you make affects your life and the lives of those closest to you! For example; many of us work well over 40 hours a week, this is a choice that affects us on an individual level and this also affects our friends and family. This is a choice that we easily rationalize by saying that we need to buy food, pay our rent/mortgage, and support our families. All of these excuses are good reasons and I certainly believe them to be true. But, it has probably been a dog's age since you last considered the down side of spending so much time at work.

Our children are falling woefully behind at school, they tend to suffer from low self-esteem (eating disorders, becoming bullies, or being bullied), our children and peers are being diagnosed and medicated at an alarming rate, and let us not speak of the ever increasing prison population. These things are evidence of a overwhelmed and over worked society.

The power to choose can off set these social ills. We can choose to reduce our hours at work, we can choose to spend more time with our children, we can become political and help our fellow man, but we do not choose to do so because we need to provide for ourselves and our families.

You can choose to spend more time with your children! You can choose to spend more time with your spouse and loved ones, You can choose to take your life back. We all have difficult choices to make. Choose yourself, choose your family, choose to be a good citizen,and choose to work for yourself. Be the master of your own time and finances. The world needs you to succeed, through the power to choose we can have everything we desire.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Be an active focused participant in your own business

Be an active focused participant in your own business. Experiment, do and try more things to see what works and what doesn’t. You might not succeed at first but many times one learns what not to do first. It is all right to fail as long as you learn from it just look at it as feedback. Failure gives you a unique insite into future projects. It allows you to see a problem and you will know how to deal with it based on your previous failures. Abraham Lincoln ran for political office several times and failed. He also failed in business twice and he had a nervous break down, before he became the President of the United States Of America. Remember that failure can help you grow. You will need to spend time and money to gain the experience you need. Also be ready to lose some money as well and just call it a lesson learned. A little bit of burn will drill the marketing lessons into your brain forever.The rule to any successful business is sell things to make money. In order to do this you must have salesmanship and must be able to close a sale. Having plenty of customers is essential to running an effective and profitable business. Winning customers online is great for business but still has its ups and downs. You will be exposed to the whole world and have a huge market place. On the downside the exchange is so impersonal and it is hard to make people feel comfortable and trust anyone. There are several ways to overcome the lack of direct communication on the web. Accentuate the positives to compensate for all the bad. You can gain great and loyal customers online with some positive feedback. Here are five sure fire methods that will keep your customers coming back for more and new ones buying.

There are those individuals who truly believe they can log online and make a business up and be making tons of cash in a week. Let’s speak the truth, that isn’t how it goes at all. Just because the web is huge and everyone and their grandma seem to have an online business doesn’t mean their business is successful. The ones that are successful, took much time, money, and alot of hard work to get there and it wasn’t overnight. For most good online marketers it took at least a year to get up and running to get successful. They had to budget their time, money and resources well. Don’t assume that putting a huge sum of cash into your business will bring you instant rewards. Without alot of planning and research large amounts of money will be wasted. It is too easy for newbies to not bother using multiple strategy methods and get burnt when their business doesn’t take off. It is important to spend your time and money on several different approaches to see which ones generate the best hits.

There is a lot of room for growth with this type of business set up. This will be due to continual marketing efforts. The money will be assured to come in when committment, time, and money are in balance. Do not limit yourself to a six month committment, that is not enough time to make a serious go of any business. Most brick and mortar businesses take two to three years to get off the ground. Just hook up with the best feedback companies and you will be laugh all the way to the bank.
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